Nakajima Jouzou / GIFU Pref.
Farmers and Agriculture
Hiyoshi Mechanized Farmers Association
Brewing / Brewer
Nakajima Jouzou
Design and Art
Hiroe Takigawa
Think again from agriculture.
Brew a sake in local nature.
A brewery with a history of being founded in 1702. At that time the head of the family,
Nakashima Kozaemon Youshin, started brewing sake using annual tribute rice. After
then they continued making using rice from other prefectures. But in 2002, the 300th
anniversary of their foundation, they started growing sake rice at the local Mizunami,
like when it was founded and launched two kinds of sake. There is a starting point that
should not be forgotten, no matter how convenient the world becomes. The brewer who
noticed that realized again that they should make sake in the local nature. Then they
started dealing with agricultural cooperatives and focused on obtaining rice that can be
identified farmers. They wish people not only enjoy sake but also have an interest in
agriculture. It would be great if you could imagine the rural scenery every time you drink.
Sake rice producer / Hiyoshi Mechanized Farmers Associationあえて米作りの裏側を見てほしい。蔵元と連携しての循環型農業を目指す。
Brewery / Nakajima Jouzou
小左衛門Holidayシリーズを造る蔵元が、岐阜県瑞浪市にある中島醸造です。創業1702 年の歴史ある蔵元。この地の庄屋をつとめていた中島小左衛門用心氏が酒造業を開始したのが始まり。もともとは「始禄」というブランドが中心でしたが、平成12 年に純米・三年古酒を中心に計7 種類の新ブランド「小左衛門」を立ち上げます。その後、平成14 年に地元瑞浪にて酒米を育て収穫し、現在では、単位農協との取引開始。農家の方々の顔が見えるお米の入手に尽力されています。
Illustration / Hiroe Takigawa
1983. Born in Hiroshima.
2004. Starts working at a design company in Hiroshima.
2015. Starts working independentely as a freelancer.
Creates with the ideal of not be restrained by the frame, but to express life, and “create paintings that fit the place where they are going to be displayed, and that give the owner a pleasant feeling”
Established in Hiroshima, and making solo exhibitions, custom-made paintings, production of illustrations and printed material for many kinds of markets all around Japan.
Illustrator and graphic designer.