CHOUYOUFUKUMUSUME Activeデザイン:Mami Shimazu
The concept of this sake is to reverse the impression of a serious and reserved brewer and express the “sake-loving girl” with aggressiveness.
デザイン:Mami Shimazu
CHOUYOUFUKUMUSUME / Active Sky, Junmai Ginjo, Jikagumi, Nama
使用米 西都の雫 精米率 60% 酒度 +3 酸度 1.5 Alc. 17.5 小売価格1800ml 2,584円 小売価格720ml 1,417円 備 考 The strong gassiness and delicate acidity typical of jikagumi (direct pumping) create a refreshing sensation on the palate. It is a sharp, dry, crisp sake with an elegant umami taste like apple honey. CHOUYOUFUKUMUSUME / Active Summer, Junmai Ginjo, Hiire
使用米 西都の雫 精米率 60% 酒度 +3 酸度 1.5 Alc. 17.5 小売価格1800ml 2,584円 小売価格720ml 1,417円 備 考 The aroma is gentle but has a strong presence, reminiscent of apples and pineapples. It is dry, but has an excellent balance with a pleasantly spreading umami flavor. CHOUYOUFUKUMUSUME / Active Winter, Junmai Ginjo, Origarami, Nama
使用米 山田錦 精米率 50% 酒度 +1 酸度 1.7 Alc. 17 小売価格1800ml 3,500円 小売価格720ml 1,824円 備 考 Gorgeous aromas of apple and lychee, and fresh notes of melon and white grapes. The wine has a well-balanced taste with a slight amount of gas, a flavor brought out by the aging process, and a dry sharpness.