We want to express the “sense of transparency” that is most valued by the brewer. We aim to create sake that will make people realize, “This is Hakurosuishu!”
デザイン:TAILORDESIGN OFFICE / Kazutoshi Sugimoto
THE HAKUROSUISHU, Junmai Ginjo, Unprocessed, Dewasansan 60
使用米 - 精米率 - 酒度 - 酸度 - Alc. - 小売価格1800ml - 小売価格720ml - 備 考 It has a gorgeous aroma reminiscent of apples. The taste is not broad, but rather clean and refreshing, with a taste that will not wear off as it goes down the throat. THE HAKUROSUISHU, Junmai Daiginjo, Unprocessed, Dewakirari 50
使用米 - 精米率 - 酒度 - 酸度 - Alc. - 小売価格1800ml - 小売価格720ml - 備 考 The most fragrant and noble of the three series. The ginjo aroma is reminiscent of apples and the umami flavor spreads quickly in the mouth. The lingering aftertaste is also moderately rich. THE HAKUROSUISHU, Junmai Daiginjo, Unprocessed, Yukimegami 50
使用米 - 精米率 - 酒度 - 酸度 - Alc. - 小売価格1800ml - 小売価格720ml - 備 考 The aroma is clear and elegant. In the mouth, a discreet yet high quality umami flavor slowly wells up from within and then quickly fades away, giving it a luxurious taste.